

Welcome to my blogg! Let me first say that I am in no way shape or form a financial advisor or expert. What I am is a mother, women, friend, sister, sistah who is sick and tired of being sick and tired and decided to take charge of my life and get my finances in order.

My personal mission is pure and simple; ELIMATE DEBT WHILE CREATING WEALTH! And this is not to say that I will give up being a diva! Lets face it; A life with out fashion, traveling and self indulgence isn’t much of a life at all! I just plan on doing these things responsibly by first, eliminating my debt by establishing a realistic savings structure, stop paying for things that I know I can get for free and stop wasting! Although I only established this mission a short time ago, I’ve learned so many tricks, tips and tidbits that has allowed me to cut my expenses in half which I plan on sharing with you all! Yes, I agree, its easier said than done and its going to take discipline, knowledge and support from our fellow sistahs’ to get our financial lives back on track. It is my hope that this blog will foster a community of encouragement; that place you can go to go gain and share knowledge. As stated above, I am by no means an expert. As a matter of fact, I’m at a place where I’ve truly hit rock bottom financially and unfortunately it usually takes something to completely knock you off your feet before you realize things have to change. Well I’m at that place and I’m ready for change! It’s just not an option for me to go into my 30’s carrying pointless debt! It’s imperative for me to foster an environment for my daughter that encourages fiscal responsibility. Its time we stop passing on debt to our children but rather pass on wealth! Not money, but WEALTH while still enjoying life!

Frugalista by definition is a person who lives a frugal lifestyle but stays fashionable and healthy by swapping clothes, buying secondhand, growing own produce. Well for our purposes, I want to add my own personal spin; I challenge you all to become Frugalistic Chica’s by living a frugal lifestyle but remaining fashionably responsible, enjoying the finer things that life has to offer while eliminating debt and creating wealth!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Paying down debt $10 a day!

A few months back while browsing in the library I came across a book entitled Pay It Down! From Debt to Wealth on $10 a Day by Jean Chatzky. Although the title pretty much says it all, I highly recommend reading this book!

Have you ever sat and thought about the amount of money you spend daily on Starbucks coffee, breakfast, or trips to the vending machine? Well I did, and I was truly amazed by the money I was spending on these items! What Jean says in her book is to find $10 in your budget by eliminating some of these unnecessary expenditures and instead take that $10 and apply it to your debt on a daily basis. In reality, this really isn’t a hard feat! I did it and it worked like a charm.

For one week straight (yes, just one week and I vow from this day forward to get back on track!) I cut out my daily trip to the vending machine ($1/day), Caribou Coffee/breakfast trip ($4/day…sometimes $8 if I get my Mint condition from Caribou AND breakfast) and brought my lunch to work ($7 per day). Instead I picked ONE of my credit cards and paid $10 a day on it. I specify ONE b/c I truly believe that its easeier to tackle your debt when you focus on one thing at a time….not that your neglecting your other debt, your just choosing which card has your focus at that time. So everyday at 12 p.m.(I plugged it into my Outlook calendar at work so that I would get a daily reminder) I would log into my Capital One account and pay $10! Although this doesn’t sound like much, when the 4th of the month came (credit card due date!), not only did I already make my payment for the month but I paid more than the minimum; something that I ordinarily wouldn’t do!

Just think about it! If you cut out just $10 per day for just ONE month, you very well could have paid off an entire credit card! Or at the very least, put a dent in it! Giving up $300 worth of coffee, candy bars and breakfast biscuits is worth it, don't you think???!

So just to recap:
Pick a credit card of focus- I know people say to pick the card with the highest interest rate, but I’m the type of person who likes to see results fast in order to stay encouraged so in my case, I picked a card with the lowest balance.

Find $10 a day by skipping that trip to dunkin donuts, vending machine, etc.

Set a reminder on your cell phone, outlook calendar or whatever is handy and everyday at the same time pay $10 on your credit card. Even if its just $5, that’s $150 for the month that you applied towards your debt! If your like me and only pay the min $15 then that’s major!!!!

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